Stop at the crossroads and look around.
Ask for the old, godly way, and walk in it.
Travel its path, and you will find rest for your souls.
—Jeremiah 6:16a NLT—
Crossroads International Church Ltd. • Registration #200709217H
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Please join us as we journey through


Who We Are

a grace-centered community
Are you at a crossroad in your life? We were created to connect—with God and with each other. That’s why God raised up Crossroads International Church, Singapore. We are an expatriate church in Singapore with 75% of us from outside the country but we are not only an expat church. Singaporeans also are very welcome.

Where We Are

We meet in the heart of central Singapore at the Metropolitan YMCA (60 Stevens Road) in the Vine Ballroom (Level 2) 
  • About 500 m (6-minute walk) from the Stevens Road MRT on the Downtown (Blue) Line
  • 3 bus stops from the Orchard MRT on the North-South (Red) Line (buses 105, 132, 190).

When We Meet

Sunday Morning

  • 10:30 – Noon
We are also live streaming our worship service.
  • Please join our live streaming service via Zoom at
  • No advance registration is required to join us in person or to participate in the live stream service.



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About Us

Our Mission

The mission of Crossroads is to lead people to Christ and nurture them to spiritual maturity (Matt 28:19-20; Col 1:28).

Our Values

We worship near Singapore’s PIE (Pan-Island Expressway)—the major east-west artery linking the entire island. At Crossroads, we also have our own “PIE”: Passionate, International, and Expository.
We encourage every person to be passionately involved in commitment, fellowship, and service.
We intentionally welcome people from every nation.
We prioritize proper interpretation of Scripture for our people to shine Christ’s light in their spheres of influence.

Our Focus

Love God – Love the Church – Love the Nations

Our Worship Services

Our worship services are held every Sunday (10:30 AM – noon) and consists of praise and worship, prayer, fellowship, and expository Bible teachings.  Kids ages 1 to 8 have their own class during the teaching portion.  After services fellowship time continues. 
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Our Leaders

Crossroads is led by a team of elders. We shepherd the flock rather than “lord it over them” (1 Peter 5:3).  Our desire is to cultivate people to become mature in the faith. 
Pastor Manik Corea
Manik Corea is an associate pastor at Crossroads International Church. He has served as a missionary and church-planter for more than 27 years in the UK, the USA, and, most recently, for 13 years in Thailand. Manik is a Singaporean of Sri Lankan/Indian ethnicity. He has a BA (Hon) in Sociology from Goldsmiths College, University of London, a Post-Graduate Certificate in Psychology and Counselling Skills (City University, London), and a Masters in Intercultural Studies (Church-Planting) from Asbury Theological Seminary. Manik is ordained in the Anglican Church of North America. His wife, Maple, comes from Taiwan and has served in children’s and international student ministries. She is a 2nd language teacher with a Masters in Applied Linguistics from Essex University. They have a 15-year-old son Josiah.
Photo by Victor Garcia on Unsplash

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Our Beliefs


We come from many countries and church backgrounds. This could tempt us to seek the lowest common denominator to “maintain unity.”
But this would be a mistake. Unity never comes at the expense of truth. Jesus wisely declared “the truth will set you free” (John 8:32). This age of relativism makes it even more important for us to declare what we believe, even if it causes some not to join us. But we seek not to go too far here. Otherwise we would become a church of legalism rather than grace.

Articles of Faith

To assure a common core of belief and avoid future doctrinal controversy, all teachers, preachers, and members of Crossroads must agree to the following basics of the Christian faith from Article 4 of our Constitution:
4.1 God – The one true God coexists eternally in three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—who share the same attributes in one indivisible nature. He alone deserves our worship and service (Deuteronomy 6:4; Matthew 28:19-20).
4.2 Jesus Christ – Jesus Christ is the unique Son of God who is at the same time very God and very man. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary, lived a sinless life but suffered and died in the place of sinful man, was buried, resurrected, ascended bodily into heaven, and will return one day in power and authority to earth to establish His earthly kingdom (John 1:1-14; 14:1-3; Philippians 2:5-11; Revelation 5:10; 19:11–20:6).
4.3 The Holy Spirit – The Holy Spirit is God who is actively at work in the world. He dwells permanently in every Christian, helps us to pray, equips and empowers us to serve God, strengthens and molds us to be more like Christ, and protects us to guarantee our eternal life (Acts 5:3-4; Romans 8:14-16, 26; Ephesians 1:13-14).
4.4 Angels & Demons – Angels are the innumerable and unseen ministering spirits who serve the causes of God and His people. Satan and demons are fallen and doomed angels who promote evil and oppose God’s purposes to lead men astray, while other angels are “bound in everlasting chains for judgment on the great Day” (Hebrews 1:14; Isaiah 14:12-17; Ezekiel 28:11-19; 2 Peter 2:4; Jude 6).
4.5 Man – Man was originally created sinless in God’s image but through the first man Adam, all mankind sinned, became condemned and separated from God and rendered totally unable to gain God’s favor of forgiveness and eternal life by self-effort (Genesis 1:26-27; Romans 5:12-14).
4.6 The Bible – The Bible is the inspired Word of God written without error, our only sure source of knowledge about God and His plans, and our absolute guide for doctrinal teaching and godly living (2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:20-21).
4.7 Salvation – Salvation is God’s act of forgiving sin based on the shed blood of Christ, reconciling people to Him, and giving eternal life to those who believe in Jesus. To be saved from the power and eternal penalty of sin, a person must admit that he/she is a sinner, repent and believe that Jesus died and rose again, and receive the Lord Jesus Christ personally as the only Savior. As a result, that person receives a new nature and becomes a true born-again Christian. Salvation is not a reward for good works but a free gift of God received by faith in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:1-10; John 3:3-8; 1 John 5:11-13).
4.8 The Church – The Church is the universal Body of Christ consisting of all born-again Christians made one by the indwelling Holy Spirit. The local church exists for the corporate worship of God, prayer, teaching God’s Word, fellowship among believers, evangelism of a needy world and acts of Christian compassion. Crossroads is a unique local church serving the expatriate and local communities and where the members are born-again believers who agree to abide by the Articles of Faith (cf. Article 4) and Church Covenant (cf. Article 5.4.8). All members of Crossroads and those members of the universal Church who are not members of Crossroads may partake of the symbols of Christ as expressed in the Lord’s Supper(Acts 2:42; Matthew 28:18-20; 1 Corinthians 11:17-34; 12:13).
4.9 The End Times – At death the spirits and souls of those who have trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation pass immediately into His presence and remain there in conscious bliss until the resurrection of the glorified body when Christ comes for His own. However, the souls and spirits of the unbelieving remain after death conscious of condemnation and in misery until the final judgment of the great white throne at the close of the millennium, when soul and body reunited shall be cast into the lake of fire, not to be annihilated, but to undergo punishment eternally. Jesus Christ will come again to reign with believers on earth for 1000 years and to reward God’s people with life with Him forever in the new heaven and earth (Luke 16:19-26; 23:42-43; 2 Corinthians 5:8; Philippians 1:23; Revelation 19:11-21; 20:1-4, 11-14).


People often want to know where Crossroads stands on certain issues. So download these pdfs if you want to see how we understand the Bible on various issues.
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What makes you guys tick?

Come find out! We’d love to have you join our informal Sunday church gathering where we discuss relevant life issues based on a single section of the Bible (not too complicated, churchy or technical). We’re not-too-big, not-too-small. Since our 70 people come from 11 countries, you’ll feel about as out of place as the rest of us! 

What about the kids?

About 30 minutes into the worship service the kids ages 1-8 can leave the service for their own special programs.

When do you meet?

Our in-person worship service every Sunday is held from 10:30-noon. In addition we live stream our service at  
After the worship services, small groups are able to fellowship at nearby restaurants.

What other events do you guys have?

There are two ladies Bible studies (one meets Wednesday evening, the other on Thursday morning), Man2Man gathering on various Saturdays, young adult group gatherings, etc. Periodically we have dinners or BBQs for the whole church. The annual church retreat in Malaysia occurs each October/November with most of the church attending.

Where do you meet?

CIC worships at the Metropolitan YMCA in the heart of Singapore where many internationals live. We’re only 15 minutes drive from Woodlands, down the street from the Stevens MRT on the Downtown (Blue) Line, or only three bus stops north of the Orchard Road MRT station. Buses 105, 132, and 190 stop right in front of the Metropolitan YMCA—a popular location in Singapore known for its great location, efficient service, excellent guest rooms, conference facilities, and Christian atmosphere. Once you get to the YMCA, use main entrance. Then follow signs to the Vine Ballroom on the 2nd floor.

How do I drive to Crossroads?

Get off the Pan Island Expressway (PIE) only three exits east of the Bukit Timah Expressway (BKE) at the Whitley/Stevens Road exit. Drive south past the Bukit Timah Road overpass and you will find the YMCA on the left side just after the pedestrian bridge at the corner of Stevens Road and, yes, Stevens Road :-). Enter the building at the main entrance.  Then follow signs to the Vine Ballroom on the 2nd floor. We have 50 free parking spaces available.

How do I come by MRT?

The YMCA has a great location only three bus stops from Orchard Road and Scotts Road — the most popular intersection in Singapore in the heart of the shopping district. We are just south of the Stevens MRT station on the Downtown (Blue) Line. If the North-South Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) line is close to you, just take it to the Orchard Road Station (NS22). You will get off the MRT at the SE corner of this intersection. Walk through the underground tunnel NW to the opposite corner and take the escalator up to the Lido 8 Cineplex at street level. Walk north past the first bus stop at Scotts Walk. Walk a few meters farther to the bus stop in front of the Thong Teck Building. Take any of these three buses — 105, 132, or 190. All three will head north, merging left onto Stevens Road. Get off at the third stop, which is across the street from the Metropolitan YMCA. Walk over the pedestrian bridge to the east side and turn right. Enter the building at the main entrance.  Then follow signs to the Vine Ballroom on the 2nd floor.. Welcome to your new church home!

How do I come by bus?

Three buses from various parts of the island will bring you right in front of the YMCA:
Bus 105 comes from the west coast area. It passes by Clementi MRT Station (EW23) near International Community School and proceeds under the MRT overhead tracks for two stations until coming to Commonwealth, where it cuts across the downtown area onto Holland Road and Orchard Road. Then it turns left at Scotts Road and gets you to church at the fourth stop. Cross the street and turn right to get to your new church home. Enter the building at the aqua awning near the end of the parking lot.
Bus 132 originates in the north in Ang Mo Kio. It proceeds from Upper Thomson Road to Thomson Road and has a short PIE stint, exiting at Whitley/Stevens Road. Get off at the fourth exit and you are right in front of the YMCA. Walk to the right up to the corner, turn left, and enter the building at the aqua awning near the end of the parking lot.
Bus 190 travels from Choa Chu Kang in the island’s northwest. It takes the BKE and PIE, exiting at the Whitley/Stevens Road. When it proceeds south, get off at the fourth bus stop and you are right in front of the YMCA. Walk to the right up to the corner, turn left, and enter the building at he main entrance.  Then follow signs to the Vine Ballroom on the 2nd floor.
Photo by Mike Enerio on Unsplash

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Be Our Guest!

Metropolitan YMCA
Vine Ballroom (2nd floor)
60 Stevens Road Singapore
  • 10:30-noon

Contact Us

Crossroads International Church Ltd. • Registration #200709217H
Photo by Joshua Ang on Unsplash

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